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Best Natural Soaps for Dry Skin

Best natural soaps for dry skin

Let us decode the statement “Best Natural Soaps for Dr Skin” in parts and then come to a conclusion.

“Dry Skin” is a skin type marked by:

1.       Scaling

2.       Itching

3.       Cracking

It makes us feel irritable and uncomfortable in our own skin. The scratching bit is really hard to resist and makes it even worse.

Internal factors such as age, health or certain skin conditions cause dry skin. A reason why people with older age are more probable to have dry skin.

External factors listed below also cause dry skin:

1.       Weather: In cold weather or during winters, we experience dry skin. This is so true for most of the areas in the Indian sub-continent. It happens because temperature and humidity levels are low in the environment. It is also the time when brands start advertising for their cold creams.

2.       Heat: When we are present near a source of heat, like, a stove or wood burners, the moisture in our skin evaporates. Hence, the skin becomes dry.

3.       Hard Soaps: When we apply hard soaps or detergents on our skin, the cleaning effect is harsh. With the dirt and extra oil on our skin, the moisture in our skin also gets attached to the soap lather and is washed off.

To conclude, we can say that whatever may be the cause, the bottom line is to keep our skin well moisturized. This will only prevent the occurrence of dry skin.

Hence, the soap we use on a daily basis for bathing plays a vital role. To prevent dry skin, we should make sure that the soap we are using is high in humectants. Humectant is a technical term for substances that help in moisturizing. Glycerin is a major and a very healthy humectant that can be consumed via soap.  Therefore, dry skin requires soaps which are high in glycerin.

Best natural soaps for dry skin @ Smishi
Soaps @ Smishi are rich in naturally produced glycerin

Also, by natural soaps the underlying idea of a consumer is to have a soap which has no or very low chemical content that washes off the moisture in the skin. Such soaps are high in naturally produced glycerin as a humectant. These soaps can also have any other element added to them that help in moisture retention. Hence, it makes them the best natural soaps for dry skin.

At Smishi, we stick to the purpose of providing a healthy skin to our consumers. Hence, the soaps are really rich in natural glycerin. In addition, we also put Shea butter in our soaps. This element further adds to the moisturizing and skin nourishing capabilities of our soaps. It locks in the essential moisture and gets rid of the extra oil and dirt present on the skin making it one of the best natural soaps for dry skin.

Our soaps are rich in nourishing elements of the skin. That is why for some skin types you may not even feel the necessity to apply a moisturizer after your bath. 🙂

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